Claiming Your Power with Positive Speaking

In today’s stressful world, bullying is rampant as hostile people attempt to manage their environment and maintain their egos by interrogating, convincing, and judging others. Traditional approaches to teaching assertiveness may be ill equipped to handle random rudeness from strangers, and cruel or dismissive comments that flourish in relationships of all kinds.

Kate Cohen-Posey’s book, Making Hostile Words Harmless, offers a set of communication skills modeled after Aikido, the Japanese “way of harmony” martial art that promotes self-defense without harming one’s attacker.  She presents the verbal aikido arts of confirming, inquiring, understanding, and evoking. 

Join others who choose the antidote of graceful yet powerful speaking. Learn and practice AAAH skills: Acting as if, Asking questions, Active listening, and Hypnotic and humorous language.  We will discuss, share, brainstorm, role-play, perform non-verbal aikido exercises, and have fun.  

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